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US Extends F-1 Student Visa Season by Two Weeks



In a welcome development for thousands of Indian students aspiring to study in the United States, the US Consulate has announced an extension of the F-1 student visa interview season by two weeks.

This extension means that interviews will now continue until the end of August 2024, offering a much-needed reprieve for those preparing for the upcoming academic session.


Visa Slots Vanish in Minutes

The announcement comes after widespread concern among students who were unable to secure visa interview slots. The F-1 visa interview process, which opened on May 20, saw a staggering demand. Reports from students indicated that the 10,000 available slots were booked within just five minutes, leaving many stranded and anxious about their prospects.

Students reported being left in the portal’s waiting room, desperately hoping for additional slots to open up. Despite multiple attempts and long hours spent online, many faced repeated disappointments. This led to heightened anxiety as the fall semester start dates in September loomed closer.

Long Wait Times Added to Student Woes

Adding to the stress was the already lengthy wait time for visa appointments in Hyderabad. Compared to other major Indian cities like Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai (where wait times range from 14 to 144 days), Hyderabad boasts the longest wait period at a staggering 299 days.


Online Petitions and Pleas

Faced with the prospect of delayed educational plans, some students initiated an online petition, calling for more visa slots to be made available. This plea reflects the frustration and urgency of students who have been attempting to secure a visa appointment for over six months without success.

Understanding the F-1 Student Visa

The F-1 Student Visa, also known as the Academic Student Visa, is crucial for international students seeking to enrol in full-time academic programs at accredited institutions in the United States.

This includes colleges, universities, language training programs, and even elementary and high schools. India has consistently held the top spot for F-1 visa issuance, with a record-breaking 130,839 visas granted to Indian students in 2023.



This extension by the US Consulate in Hyderabad is a positive step towards ensuring a smoother visa application process for Indian students eager to pursue their academic dreams in the United States.

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